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Need help finding insoles? Try Insole Advisor






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Why do I need insoles?

Way back before there was asphalt and concrete and basketball courts, humans walked on the earth – on dirt and sand and other forgiving foundations. Often these natural foundations were trod without shoes, which provided an ever-changing support for the foot. The ground beneath each step was a little bit different and the foot was able to adapt.

Now so much of our lives are spent on hard surfaces – cement and wood floors and sports arenas. As we walk the motion is repetitive and the force of impact is greater from the hard surface than it is from the ground. This repetitive impact is wearing on our feet, knees, hips, and back. Our feet still need to adapt to the structure beneath them, but this adaption has become the same and repetitive with every single step. Insoles are a way of helping our feet adapt to these surfaces while providing support, shock absorption, integrity for the foot structure, and oftentimes pain relief.


What is pronation? Is it different from supination?

Yes, biomechanically these two terms are the opposite of each other. As we walk we all pronate and supinate, these are normal motions in the progression of gait. Where people generally have foot problems is when they OVER-pronate or OVER-supinate. Normally, those with flat feet tend to fall into the category of over-pronation and those with high arches will over-supinate when they walk.

What insole do I need?

This depends on your foot type and the shoe you will be wearing it in. Take our Insole Advisor Quiz for a recommendation.


What is the best insole for diabetics?

Diabetics usually benefit from a heat-molded shoe insert with a Plastazote top cover. Insoles termed as “pressure relief” can also be ideal for diabetics.


What is that bump in the middle of my insole?

There are two possible answers to this question. The curve on the medial side of the insole is the arch support. The bump in the middle of the insole is the metatarsal pad.


Why do I feel like I have a rock under my foot when I wear this?

This probably means that the arch support in the specific insole you are wearing is too high for your foot. Insoles should be very comfortable. Try one with with a little less arch support and it will probably feel differently.


How do you know which insole to recommend through your Insole Advisor/Quiz?

When choosing an insole it is good to keep in mind foot type, shoe type, and current pain that is being experienced. Because we are trained in biomechanics, pathologies, shoes, and insoles, we are able to recommend an insole that may work for you.


Can’t I just put inserts into any of my shoes to make them good?

The insoles are only as good as the shoes you are wearing them in. Supportive shoes provide extreme benefits as the foundation of the alignment of the entire body. When you add arch supports to old shoes, soft, flimsy, or poorly made shoes the insoles do not have the foundation beneath them to provide you with optimal support. But when you upgrade good quality, supportive shoes by adding insoles you get all the benefits and support that the orthotics have to offer.